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UKFast boast many internal apps for employees. FastStore is the heart.





Stuart G (UI/UX Designer) & 3 x Software Developers


Aug 2018 - Sept 2018

My Role

User Research

Balsamiq wireframe

Hi-fi UI generation

Branding generation

Hi-fi prototyping (InVison)

User testing

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The Problem

UKFast as a company, use many internal apps to manage and communicate with other colleagues and events. When downloading these apps, the user would need to access a long string on urls to download an unofficial app. This would cause problems if the apps needed updated, as this features was not included in the url download. The project was to design an app store for employees to download and manage all updates in an easier manor.


Software Used

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The Solution

Once understanding how the current web app download worked, I had an understanding on what apps the new solution would involve. I went through many concepts from more advanced stores like Google Play Store and the Apple App Store, but once reviewing these with users, the feel was they were too advanced for the what UKFast was after.

From here I went back to the drawing board. Reviewing the comments left from the user research, I decided to make the app very simple. The solution for the app store proposal would be to only notify users if an update or new app is available.

The app would have no store front but instead have an empty dashboard if all apps were installed. If certain apps were not installed these would display, allowing the user to download them. The idea is to ensure the employees are not distracted by a “jazzy” app and instead use it for the main function of updating.

Web App UX Flow Chart

For users to use the new Fast Store, they must download the Fast Store app from the UKFast website as this app is still deemed “Unofficial.”

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Fast Store App UX Flow

Below shows the new Fast Store app UX Flow chart in full details, this includes error messages and full solution.

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Hi-fi UI Design Overview

The full UI design was created using Sketch and Illustrator. The app was then tested through the prototype software - InVision.


App Onboarding

UI Design


App Login

UI Design


Forgotten Password

UI Design

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App Dashboard

UI Design


App Dashboard

UI Design

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In partnership with

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Pulse Fitness V3 Software


EventHub App